📯 Where do you wander to?

Where do you wander to?

Wo geht die Reise denn hin?

The wander circus is in town.
Every semester, it pitches its tent in front of a different university
and invites you to the tightrope walk, the circus school and the gala performance.

The circus is in town
The wander circus makes a guest appearance at a different university each semester to experience its embeddedness in the city and surrounding area, to visit small and large places, to see on site how things are done differently, and to experience very different educational formats up close. In return and as a thank you, the circus people offer their teaching/learning skills to local people in a gala performance to get them excited about this whole circus.

Rabbit out of the top hat
The circus people will conjure up a traveling circus with all the trimmings at each station that will awaken in learners/teachers the joy of a social-ecological transformation and democratization of education. And the best thing is: the wander circus with all its elements is not an illusion, but tangible, up close and in general quite wonderfully different.

Travel purse
To ensure that all circus people celebrate circus together each semester, travel costs are covered as needed and sustainable travel is a matter of honor for us.

Wander Circus Numero Uno - Jena - Autumn 2023
The active members of the existing network and two lecturers from the Global South will come together in Winter Semester 2023/24 at Friedrich Schiller University Jena. They are the first 20 circus people and plan in detail which (extra-)university places, topics and methods the circus wants to wander in the coming semesters and how people will be invited to wander along.

A wander circus stands better on two legs - Essen - Summer 2024
The University of Duisburg-Essen invites us and so the wander circus pitches its tents for a second time in the 2024 summer semester. With now 40 circus people, an intensive exchange is organized so that all learn from and with each other how to fill their niches in (higher) education, whether in the disciplines or in interdisciplinarity, in the digital or analog, integrated into the curriculum or outside or or or.

All good things come in threes - Göttingen - Autumn 2024
The University of Göttingen will clear out its best hall in winter semester 2024/25 and let the wander circus make a third guest appearance. In addition to exploring the teaching/learning worlds of others, the program for the now 60 circus people includes an understanding of what demanding, critical sustainability and living democracy in university teaching actually means in concrete terms.

2 times 3 makes 4 wander circuses - Fulda - Spring 2025
Fulda is dressing up and offering the wander circus enough space for its fourth performance in the summer semester 2025. The letter Q represents the program: qualification framework, quality assurance and quality standards of a common teaching/learning.

Five fingers has the hand in the wander circus - Berlin - Autumn 2025
The fifth station of the wander circus is in winter semester 2025/26 in Berlin and is organized by the FU, TU and HWR Berlin. In addition to the circus school, the main theme here is: Curtain up!

Fiery Finale Furioso - Berlin - Autumn 2025
The wander circus steps out of its niche and takes the (university) public on a journey towards teaching/learning worlds that contribute to serious sustainable development and democratization.

Companion - the travel diary of the wander circus
The entire journey of the wander circus is continuously documented and published in a book at the end of the project. In addition to this travel diary, it contains the personal stories and life journeys of the 100 circus people, who encourage others to approach their own teaching/learning with fun and playfulness, diligence and discipline, confidence and perseverance, perseverance and a love of circus.

Winter quarters and storage space all year round
Between stops, the wander circus has its permanent camp site at the Technische UniversitÀt Berlin. There it is docked to the sustainability certificate for students and the associated initiative TINS_D Education - further information: Sustainability Certificate for Students - TU Berlin