Dear colleagues,
from the end of September I will be offering a six-part intensive online workshop for 20 participants on the topic of war … this workshop is based on the Betzavta method of democracy education and will take place in collaboration with Uki Maroshek, the director of the Adam Institute for Democracy and Peace in Jerusalem, who developed the Betzavta method.
Yours sincerely
André Baier
Dear colleagues,
it is way overdue to address war.
This workshop provides an initial overview of the reciprocal relationships between war, peace, and democracy. As an introduction to the topic of war, the six 2 hours online sessions focus on different aspects to gradually develop a comprehensive understanding of what war means, why and how wars are started, what legitimate wars might be and what the limits of obedience are as well as what the opposite of a state of war actually is, that is peace, armistice agreements, cessation of hostilities, etc.
During the workshop the participants uncover the competing tendencies within themselves, both for and against democracy as well as our attraction and aversion towards violence, conflicts and harmony. The workshop is based on the Betzavta method so that the participants learn to transform external conflicts into internal dilemmas, which enables them to act and influence their respective contexts. The Betzavta method was developed by the Adam Institute for Democracy and Peace in 1987 and is still used and continually developed further.
The following questions are addressed during the workshop: Is there something that people should be willing to kill, be killed, or die for? If yes, what is it? If no, why do we do it anyway? - What is the equal right to security, and who should it apply to? - Is war the annihilation of everything that exists or the mother of all inventions? - How to justify a war? Or are all wars evil? - Is there a difference between a war of choice and a war of necessity? If yes, what is the difference? - Do individuals wage war against each other, or do groups? What is the role of the state in this? - Who should decide on going to war? - Who gives the orders, and who follows them? Is there a right to disobey orders? - Who should decide on ending a war? How can we end war? - What are war crimes? Who should decide on this? - What should be the treatment of prisoners of war and hostages? - Should we have freedom of speech during times of war? How can one speak up during warfare? - What is the relationship between economy and war? - What is peace? How can we educate for peace?
WAR. Who is right? Who is left?
Democracy and peace in times of war.
6 free online meetings via zoom
a maximum of 20 participants
Betzavta - Method of the Adam Institute for Democracy and Peace
TINS_D Education - TU Berlin
Mondays - 09.00 > 10.30 CET
30. Sep > 04. Nov 2024
registration deadline - Sunday 22 Sep