Thaiane Maciel
I don’t give up on what I believe
Would you run away with the circus? – For sure
When was the last time you lived democracy? – When I was heard and other people were also able to express what they felt openly and dryly.
What would you want to tear down in your neighborhood? – Pollution and the lack of action on the part of residents
Environmental Engineer from UFRJ, Actress since 3 with a Bachelor’s Degree in Theater from the CAL Faculty of Performing Arts, Founder of Canal Novo Mundo - Ecocria Institute, an ngo that works with socio-environmental and climate education and communication in an easy and fun way, elected Women of the Future: 50 rising stars in ESG by the Financial Times, Climate Personality by The Climate Reality Project and Unesco Green Citizen. She also had recognition from UN Brazil as Climate Champion and Green Agent of COMLURB. She is pursuing a Master’s degree in Climate, Earth, Water and Sustainability at the University of Potsdam, Germany and is an International Climate Protection Fellow at the Alexander von Humboldt Stiftung in Berlin.
She worked as a consultant at the UN Global Compact + Water Movement, in Social Responsibility for Braskem, as a Community Engagement Advisor at the service of Shell Brazil, as a Sustainability Coordinator of COMLURB and Christ the Redeemer, as well as a speaker at TEDx Savassi Countdown and a participant in the UN Water Conference and NY Water Week 2023 through the Wetskills program, which selected young people from around the world to solve problems related to water and sanitation in New York. Research advisor in partnership with UFRJ, speaker Innocracy - Sustainability and Democracy in Berlin, among others.
She is currently a Country Representative of Ifa (Institute of External and Cultural Relations) of Germany and director of the Ecocria Institute.